政府は、一定条件をみたせば、IT分野の外国人エンジニアのための在留資格審査の期間を3か月から1か月へ短縮できるようにする、という。(8月31日 日経新聞)





It seems that local governments certify accepting companies in advance in order to speed up the screening process, but it appears that various approaches are being taken by the country, local governments, and companies in order to attract highly skilled IT personnel to Japan.

It is said that one of the reasons behind Germany’s decision to allow dual citizenship is to secure international competitiveness for acquring HR.

We are beginning to see how difficult it is to get talented people to come to Japan.

However, towards the end of this summer, I heard from a couple of senior immigration lawer that the reality of the status examination has recently been longer than expected, depending on the location of the immigration office, and it is unclear when the results will be known. Some say that there are cases in which it is difficult to even predict. If you can choose where to apply, it seems important to understand the circumstances surrounding that.



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