I passed the training and effectiveness measurement of the Japan Federation of Certified Administrative Procedure Legal Specialist as a copyright consultant.
The reason I challenged this qualification was that I had an opportunity to be involved in drafting a contract related to OEM supply of a certain company’s products.
Regarding intellectual property issues in general, OEM suppliers are confident in the technology they have their own patents, etc., and do not want the OEM brand hoder to say anything about improved technology in particular, so they do not want to acknowledge the rights of the OEM. There seems to be a tendency, but if this tendency is too strong in the contract content, it may not be recognized as invalid. I had a difficult time trying to get OEM supplier to understand this, and I realized that it was necessary to have knowledge about related copyrights. In any case, I would like to put myself in the customer’s shoes and accurately communicate what is required in the ever-changing legal world, thereby contributing in some small way to preventing problems from occurring.